

All recorded lessons and studies are the words of men. We honor God's word as the ultimate authority and implore you to reach out and let us know if you come across anything on our site that is in disagreement with what the Holy Spirit teaches through the Bible. It is our wish to study together with you in order to come to a knowledge of the truth.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/02/23 Lord, Teach us to Pray Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-04-02-Sunday-AM-Lord-Teach-Us-to-Pray.mp3 2023-04-02-Sunday-AM-Lord-Teach-Us-To-Pray.pdf
03/26/23 The Doctrine of Christ on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-03-26-Sunday-AM-The-Doctrine-of-Christ-Regarding-Marriage-Divorce-and-Remarriage.pdf 2023-03-26-Sunday-AM-The-Doctrine-of-Christ-on-Marriage-Divorce-and-Remarriage.mp3
03/19/23 Essentials to Grow Spiritually Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-03-19-Sunday-AM-Essential-to-Grow-Spritually.mp3 2023-03-19-Essentials-to-Grow-Spritually.pdf
03/12/23 Do Not Cast Away Your Confidence Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-03-10-Sunday-AM-Do-Not-Cast-Away-Your-Confidence.mp3 2023-03-10-Friday-PM-Do-Not-Cast-Away-Your-Confidence.pdf
03/05/23 The Third Strand Bryant Zakem N/A Sunday Worship 2023-03-12-Bryant-Sermon.mp3
02/26/23 Postmodernism & Its Impact on Christians Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-12-26-The-Assault-of-Postmodernism.pdf 2023-02-26-Sunday-AM-Beware-of-the-Impact-of-Postmodernism.mp3
02/19/23 Except You Be Converted & Become as Little Children Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-12-19-Unless-You-are-Converted-and-Become-as-Little-Children.pdf 2023-02-19-Sunday-AM-Except-Ye-Become-as-Little-Children.mp3
02/12/23 By Faith Enoch Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-02-12-Sunday-AM-By-Faith-Enoch.mp3 2023-02-12-By-Faith-Enoch.pdf
02/05/23 Lessons from Lot Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-02-05-Sunday-AM-Lessons-from-Lot.mp3 2023-02-05-Lessons-from-Lot.pdf
01/29/23 The Soul Who Sins Shall Die Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-01-29-The-Soul-who-sins-shall-die.pdf 2023-01-29-Sunday-AM-The-Soul-Who-Sins-Shall-Die.mp3
01/22/23 Is Instrumental Music in Worship Scriptural Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-01-22-Is-Instrumental-Music-in-Worship-Scriptural.pdf 2023-01-22-Sunday-AM-Is-Instrumental-Music-in-Worship-Scriptural.mp3
01/15/23 Be Thou an Example Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-01-15-Sunday-AM-Be-Thou-an-Example.mp3 2023-01-15-Be-Thou-an-Example.pdf
01/08/23 Death - An Appointment for Everyone Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship Death-An-Appointment-for-Everyone.pdf 2023-01-08-Sunday-AM-Death.mp3
01/01/23 Be Steadfast, Immovable, Always Abounding in the Work of the Lord Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2023-01-01-Sunday-AM-Be-Steadfast-Immovable-1-Corinthians-15.58.pdf 2023-01-01-Sunday-AM-Be-Steadfast-Immovable-1-Corinthians-15.58.mp3
12/18/22 The Legality of the Will of Christ Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-12-18-Sunday-AM-The-Legal-Will-of-Christ-and-Grace.pdf 2022-12-18-Sunday-AM-The-Legality-of-The-Will-of-Christ.mp3
12/12/22 Psalm 73 Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-12-25-Sunday-AM-Psalm-73.pdf 2022-12-25-Sunday-AM-Psalm-73.mp3
12/11/22 Overcoming Worldliness – Social & Recreational Drinking of Alcohol Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-12-11-Sunday-AM-Overcoming-Worldliness-Alcohol.pdf 2022-12-11-Sunday-AM-Overcoming-Worldliness-Alcohol.mp3
12/04/22 Overcoming Worldliness Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-12-04-Sunday-AM-Overcoming-Worldliness.pdf 2022-12-04-Sunday-AM-Overcoming-Worldliness.mp3
11/27/22 Because Ye Believed Me Not Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-11-27-Sunday-AM-Because-Ye-Believed-Me-Not.pdf 2022-11-27-Sunday-AM-Because-Ye-Believed-Me-Not.mp3
11/20/22 Hospitality Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-11-20-Sunday-AM-Hospitality.pdf 2022-11-20-Sunday-AM-Hospitality.mp3
11/13/22 The Victory of Faith Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-11-13-Sunday-AM-The-Victory-of-Faith.mp3 2022-11-13-Sunday-AM-The-Victory-of-Faith.pdf
11/06/22 He Who Has Ears To Hear Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship He-who-has-ears-let-him-hear.pdf 2022-11-06-He-Who-Has-Ears-to-Hear.mp3
10/30/22 Boldness in Christ Bryant Zakem N/A Sunday Worship 2022-10-30-Boldness-in-Christ.mp3
10/23/22 Sermon – October 23, 2022 Troy Morgan N/A Sunday Worship 2022-10-23-Troy-Sermon.mp3
10/16/22 A Conflict in Israel Resolved Larry Jones N/A Sunday Worship 2022-10-16-Sunday-AM-A-Conflict-in-Israel-Resolved.mp3 2022-10-16-A-Conflict-in-Israel-Resolved.pdf

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